Clinic of Dentistry
Emergency dental care for children and adults is provided only to preregistered patients on working days. Please book your appointment by phone 731 9282 or 731 9889 from 7:30.
Emergency dental care is provided on working days at L. Puusepa 1a, 4th floor and on weekend and public holidays at L. Puusepa 8, Wing J, 1st floor (please enter the building from the entrance on L. Puusepa Street and reception).
On weekends and public holidays emergency dental care is provided from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in a standing order until the appointment times are filled.
To book an appointment for dentures repair, please call 731 9282.
For emergency facial and maxillofacial surgical conditions, go to the emergency department at L. Puusepa 8.
Emergency dental care is available for a fee.