Clinical Research Centre
uses the infrastructure of the University of Tartu (UT) and the Tartu University Hospital (TUH) and assembles high-quality technologies and competence necessary for conducting clinical research.
Clinical Research Centre is
- Competence centre for the clinical research in Estonia.
- Leveraging joint capabilities of UT and TUH, involving partners from all Estonian institutions, dealing with clinical research.
- The aim is to ensure high-level medical experimental studies and academic clinical as well pharmaceutical industry trials.
To further expansion of national and international competitiveness and cooperation, it is the key element to have a strong support system for the doctors, researchers, doctoral students, residents, and research teams, engaged with clinical research.
International landscape of clinical research is constantly evolving: data on the aetiology and pathogenesis of diseases are being supplemented, new bioresources and biobanks are added, data, received from various national and international databases, create new opportunities for conducting research-based trials and for analysing already collected data. International pharmaceutical industry is moving rapidly to the direction of efficient and revenue-based models for conducting clinical research. A new trend is developing strongly: research projects initiated by the researcher and executed in cooperation with the pharmaceutical industry.
Main Services
- Providing the highest standard support in execution of clinical research.
- Bringing together different parties involved in research.
- Keeping and updating the TUH research register, issuing the institutional confirmation for conducting research.
- Reviewing and monitoring the execution of clinical research and development contracts.
- Providing certified training courses in Good Clinical Practice.
- Implementing data monitoring and quality control in clinical trials.
- Providing ethical and data protection inputs for the project applications and for the clinical research approval applications.
- Ensuring standardized handling of databases and collections of biological material.
- Creating and maintaining of databases, consulting.
- Management of central and dispersed collections of biological materials.
- Providing training courses about collecting and maintaining biological materials.
- Communication and cooperation with UT faculties and institutes and with other research and development institutions, Estonian hospitals, companies, state institutions and foreign partners.
Additional Services
- Preparation of applications and coordination for research projects, including preparation of budgets.
- Administration of research projects, monitoring of budget execution, preparation of interim and final reports, arrangement of meetings and formulation of memos, preparation of employment contracts with project executors.
- Contribution to the activities of the Estonian Paediatric Research Group and the Sexual Health Research Centre.

Dr. Katrin Kaarna, MD
Head of Clinical Research Centre
+372 737 4119, +372 518 6688
Tartu University Hospital
Research and Development Administration
University of Tartu
Faculty of Medicine
Institute of Clinical Medicine